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Monday, March 29, 2010

Comparison of Fuel Prices along the Philippine Eastern Nautical Highway

For the information of travelers who'd opt for a road trip via the Eastern Nautical Highway in the Philippines, here's a comparison of actual fuel prices we documented in various refueling stations of Petron, a major petroleum player in the Philippines. These photos were taken between March 21 to 26 from Davao City heading north to Laguna.

Within Mindanao, Davao City has the cheapest fuel prices per liter, with diesel costing 36.50 pesos, among towns and cities along the Davao-Butuan-Surigao route. As expected, fuel prices tend to be higher in more remote areas.

In the Visayas area, Catbalogan, Samar has the lowest fuel prices, with diesel at 39.39 pesos per liter. But this is about three pesos more expensive compared to diesel bought in Davao City.

The best fuel prices among towns and cities along the Eastern Nautical Highway from Davao to Laguna were found in Southern Luzon starting at around 36 pesos per liter in Bicol and down to 33.25 pesos per liter in Laguna.

Petron fuel prices was representative of all other petroleum companies in all places we went through during the first leg of our road trip, i.e. there were no significant differences in fuel prices among various petroleum companies, big or small. A notable exception is around Naga City, Camarines Sur, where smaller petroleum companies, such as Cosco, offer as much as 35 cents lower diesel price per liter than the major players: Petron, Shell and Caltex in the area.

Therefore, if one is to maximize savings in fuel cost, fill up your tank in Davao City. Avoid refueling in remote areas. If possible, wait until getting to Luzon to refuel to get as much as six pesos savings per liter of diesel or about 15% savings.

So plan ahead. Know your vehicle's fuel tank capacity and fuel efficiency, as well as an estimate of the distance to be traveled. Newer car models, such as in the case of Toyota Innova G, have options to obtained information, like fuel efficiency or estimate of distance that can be traveled with the remaining actual fuel in the tank, with a mere push of a button.

With the above information, together with the comparison of fuel prices in this blog post, one can make informed decisions on when to refuel during a road trip along the Philippine Eastern Nautical Highway.

Happy motoring!

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2 comments: on "Comparison of Fuel Prices along the Philippine Eastern Nautical Highway"

Silvergirl said...

wow, its a big difference of the fuel in different places too, I know in mindanao they have low compare to luzon..

Island Travel said...

Hi Silvergirl, based on what we observed on this trip, fuel prices are apparently lower in southern Luzon than in Mindanao; unless prices were slashed/rolled back around March 24.

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