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Saturday, March 27, 2010

UPLB Freedom Park

The University of the Philippines Los Banos (UPLB) Freedom Park is always teeming with energy during late afternoons, weekends in particular. Today was no different. There were those who flew kites, played soccer, frisbee, badminton and volleyball, walked dogs, jogged the circumference, picnicked on the grounds, met friends, read quietly or chatted the afternoon away.

This open area where various formal and informal activities are held is something we sorely missed. It's difficult to find an equivalent in Davao City. So the family relished our two-hour stay in the park today.

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3 comments: on "UPLB Freedom Park"

Anonymous said...

We miss UPLB.....dante, estel, eiji

Lulu said...

daming tao sa park... anyway, thanks for your visits

Liezl said...

Never been here before. But I think the place is nice. So green, calm... I can relax in a freedom park like this.

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